Test your Health & Safety knowledge to possibly WIN R500 cash!
🤑WIN🤑 by practising Health & Safety (H&S) awareness…Complete the survey to stand a chance to win R500 cash. But first, read our H&S tips below.
#DidYouKnow, some emergencies have a place where you need to shelter? Take note of the Shelter in Place Emergency protocols. ⏬ #FortheGoodofAll #HealthandSafety
Shelter in Place Emergency Protocols:
⏩ Evacuate to emergency assembly points.
⏩ Emergency coordinator (EC) determines extent of emergency.
⏩ EC diverts evacuees to nearest and safest “Shelter in Place” area.
⏩ Relevant Department Supervisors assist EC.
⏩ EC evaluates outside conditions based on reports and conditions.
⏩ “All Clear” signal once emergency is cleared.
Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LNLYD66

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