⚠️Attention to all Woodlands Dairy staff: ensure a secure workplace by actively participating in the Health & Safety (H&S) Induction. Follow these guidelines for onboarding. #WoodlandsDairySA #FortheGoodofAll #HealthandSafety
⚠️New employees: 1. Sign in at the main security gate for a temporary access permit; receive a permanent access card after onboarding. 2. Temporary access card holders must check in when leaving and require supervision in specified areas. 3. All employees get a general rules handbook; department-specific documentation is provided by supervisors.
⚠️Contractors: 1. Provide required documents based on your category from the Contractor Management Document Control Sheet for a smooth on-site experience. Complete the Health and Safety Department induction before starting work. 2. Use designated security checkpoints, clock in and out for accurate tracking during emergencies, and obtain access control stickers. Adhere to our zero-tolerance policy on intoxicating substances, which may result in entry refusal and compliance testing.
⚠️Casual employees: Enter by passing through security. Signing in/out ensures efficient evacuations during emergencies.
⚠️Visitors: Use designated security checkpoints, sign in or out, and receive access control stickers. Note: Woodlands Dairy strictly prohibits intoxicating substances, reserving the right to refuse entry and may conduct testing for compliance in suspected cases. Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HealthandSafety_Mar24

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