Cape Town Cycle Tour – the largest timed cycling race in the world – is on its way, with thousands of cyclists taking on an incredible 109-kilometer route. HPR will be at the Cape Town Cycle Tour Expo, South Africa’s top cycling, health and fitness exhibition, from 7 to 9 March! See you there! #WoodlandsDairySA #FortheGoodofAll
Read more here: https://expo.capetowncycletour.com/
Scroll down for more. 😁

Elevate your snack platter with our exquisite French Brie. Smooth, creamy and oh so “OO la la”..🥰 #WoodlandsDairySA #FortheGoodofAll
- First Choice French Brie
- First Choice Cherry Dessert Topping
- Egg
- Breadcrumbs
- Oil
- Coat the brie with a thin layer of beaten egg.
- Press breadcrumbs onto the brie.
- Fry the coated brie in oil until golden brown.
- Allow to cool slightly before you enjoy your warm cheese appetiser.
- Serve with a generous dollop of our cherry dessert topping.
Bon appétit!
Scroll down for more. 😁

Stay vigilant against Psychological Gender-Based Violence* at work and speak up, even if your voice shakes! #WoodlandsDairySA #FortheGoodofAll
* Psychological Gender-Based Violence: controlling movements, threats, verbal disrespect, or degradation
Click here for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXjHDAX4I9w
Inspo by: YALI Network

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